Episode 31: Post-PAX Roundup

Corellian Run Radio show

Summary: <br> <br> Discuss this episode on the forums <a href="http://corellianrun.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=1824&amp;p=5236#p5236" target="_blank">here</a> or on <a href="http://corellianrun.com/2011/09/02/episode-31-post-pax-roundup/" target="_blank">Comments</a>.<br> <br> Carla, Kathy, and Roxanne are back from PAX and full of stories and opinions about what we learned.<br> <br> FACT OR FICTION: Can you pick out the confirmed fact from the tall tales?  This week’s host challenge involves PvP.<br> <br> More Show Notes and Comments after the jump.<br> <br> FROM THE NEWSNET &amp; BEYOND: Roundup of the most important announcements and news.<br> <br> Pre-PAX<br> <br> Shout-out to <a href="http://www.torocast.com/">TOROcast</a>, <a href="http://www.askajedi.com/">Ask A Jedi</a>, <a href="http://torwars.com/">TORWars</a>, <a href="http://moseisleyradio.com/">Mos Eisley Radio</a>, and Ford for joining us at the Taphouse Grill. Read Kathy’s recap <a href="../2011/08/31/pax-2011-day-0-we-arrive/">here</a>.<br> <br> DAY 1: Friday<br> <br> * Huttball<br> * Q&amp;As – lockouts, difficulty levels, raid loot, customizable UI<br> * Daniel Erickson interview<br> * What else we saw at PAX<br> * Fantina<br> <br> DAY 2: Saturday<br> <br> * Q&amp;A: release date “targeting holiday 2011;” no mail between factions<br> * Jennifer Hale sighting. <a href="http://yfrog.com/khh6oaoj" target="_blank">Autographs happen</a>. Check out her<a href="http://www.newyorker.com/online/2011/08/15/110815on_audio_bissell" target="_blank"> audio interview</a> by the New Yorker here.<br> * Irrational panel on voicing Bioshock Infinite<br> * BioWare Meet &amp; Greet<br> <br> DAY 3: Sunday<br> <br> * Q&amp;A<br> * Paramount Theater presentation: Eternity Vault demo, weekend testing, Ilum<br> <br> Quick Mentions:<br> <br> * Ask A Jedi article on Cowan Financial Group raising investor rating for EA based on expected sales of SWTOR. Estimating that 3 million units will be sold. <a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2011/08/11/electronic-arts-time-to-play-cowen-upgrades-to-outperform/">Forbes article</a>.<br> * <a href="http://darthhater.com/2011/08/29/building-a-death-star-this-weeks-pre-order-update/">VGChartz ranks SWTOR #6</a>, 384k boxes sold so far.<br> <br> <br> <br> On the CRR Site<br> <br> * PoisonTaco’s look back at the <a href="../2011/08/24/following-swtor-the-long-journey-part-1/">history of following SWTOR</a>. Hard to believe some folks have been waiting for this game for so long.<br> * Would you like to write about SWTOR? We’re looking for a few more writers to keep content on our site. Contact us at corellianrun@gmail.com.<br> <br> SITH OR JEDI: We find out which path we walk in real life with The Test of the Convention Line.<br> <br> Thanks from Corellian Run Radio<br> <br> * To everyone who came to the PAX events and introduced themselves to us.<br> * To Darth Hater for making the arrangements for the Community Cantina.<br> * To TOROcast for hosting a multi-site podcast.<br> * To BioWare and especially David Bass for taking care of the fansites at PAX and for hosting the official meet and greet.<br> * To MekoRedtail, Otistoh, Deverin11 for leaving us positive reviews on iTunes.<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>