Episode 37: Post-Fansite Summit, Sunny’s Diner Brings the Casual

Corellian Run Radio show

Summary: <br> <br> Sunny Ravencourt and Radicool from <a href="http://sunnysdiner.podbean.com/">Sunny’s Diner</a> join us to discuss our Fansite Summit experience, plus we are slowly figuring out that Sunny might be a hardcore player in casual  clothing. We also learn that Georg is a playful, vengeful god and that just makes us like him more.<br> <br> FACT OR FICTION: Can you pick out the confirmed fact from the tall tales? This week’s trick challenge ends unexpectedly, but still fulfills its main purpose of delivering fake facts.<br> <br> More Show Notes and Comments after the jump.<br> <br> FROM THE NEWSNET &amp; BEYOND: Roundup of the most important announcements and news.<br> <br> * <a href="http://dreamhack.se/dhw11/">Dreamhack Winter 2011</a>, Nov. 24-27. Sweden.  Read more <a href="http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20111111-1">here</a>.<br> * Sith Inquisitor vs. Trooper <a href="http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20111111-1">trailer</a>. Carla is sad it’s not a tutorial. Plus, she doesn’t get to find out who wins.<br> * Another round of Beta Test Weekend invites. <a href="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=600760">FAQ</a>. You can get weekend testing keys from gaming sites, but <a href="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10781627#edit10781627">David says don’t go there if you’ve already signed up</a> on swtor.com everyone signed on official swtor forums before Nov. 11 will get a weekend invite.<br> * <a href="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10639836#edit10639836">Stephen says more details coming</a> about grace period after end of Early Access.<br> * Fansite Summit 2<a href="../2011/11/11/fansite-summit-2-james-ohlen-qa/">: James Ohlen Q&amp;A;</a> Gabe Amatangelo on <a href="../2011/11/10/fansite-summit-2-voidstar-flashpoints-operations/">Voidstar, Flashpoints, Operations</a> and <a href="../2011/11/09/fansite-summit-2-the-awesome-that-is-ilum/">Ilum</a>;<a href="http://darthhater.com/2011/11/09/fan-site-summit-qa-audio/"> Georg Zoeller Metrics Presentation</a>.<br> <br> QUICK MENTIONS:<br> <br> * Guild Checkpoint: <a href="../2011/11/14/guild-checkpoint-18/">Redeemed</a>, the family-friendly Republic guild.<br> * CRR on <a href="http://pinksideoftheforce.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/testing-testing-one-two-pink/">The Pink Side of the Force</a>. On Bootleg Radio this Wed night 8 pm EST.<br> <br> SITH OR JEDI: We find out which path we walk in real life with The Test of the Unwanted Phone Call.<br> <br> COMMUNITY BUZZ<br> Does SWTOR appeal equally to the Casual, Hardcore crowd? Official forums: “<a href="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=618311">Thank you TOR – from a casual player”</a><br> <br> Thanks from Corellian Run Radio<br> <br> * Sunny and Radicool from <a href="http://sunnysdiner.podbean.com/" target="_blank">Sunny’s Diner</a> for joining us today.<br> * Oggie24,Jason Andersen, and Vamdree/LingeringDrama for writing positive reviews on iTunes.<br> * BioWare, especially Stephen Reid and David Bass, for inviting us to the second Fansite Summit.<br> <br> Outro music by <a href="http://www.generalfuzz.net/">General Fuzz</a>.