Episode 12.1: Mahamudra and Modern Physics

Dharma Ocean show

Summary: This is a special edition of our podcast featuring a teaching from our recent retreat Mahamudra for the Modern World. Today, Reggie invites us to consider a recent discovery in modern physics: that everything in the universe ultimately is born from nothing, from the universe itself down to the tiniest particles at subatomic levels. We are able to have direct experiential knowledge of this basic reality when we allow our limited viewpoints to dissolve into emptiness through meditation practice and witness the energy of our existence arise from that. In this way, the journey of meditation reflects a universal process of death and birth that occurs for all that is: from atoms and trees to stars and galaxies, and all of being itself. To download more of Reggie’s teachings, find out about upcoming retreats, and explore a variety of audio listening guides to assist you on your spiritual journey please visit dharmaocean.org/welcome.