Dear One Letters with Connie Numbers (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: On this episode of the Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show, Kala speaks with Dr. Connie Numbers. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be able to recognize the voice of your own unique soul, and experience the realization that you are a Divine Being, living in physical form, here for a Divine Reason, with a Divine Mind to help you through it all? Well, you can. That day at the beach was not a miracle that only happens to a few of us in life. The remembering I now experience has come about as a natural occurrence of taking the inward journey. Therefore, all of us have the ability and the potential of remembering who we really are. Connies book, The Dear One Letters, are like the breadcrumbs leading us on the path out of the forest to help us find our way Home. They remind us of how life really works and how to feel in control of it. They offer simple yet profound ways of diminishing the fears we have in life, including the fear that we have of being the powerful Light that we are. They lead us step by step, letter by letter, toward loving ourselves more fully. And they show us a myriad of ways to connect with the Magnificent Light that has been there since the day we were born. If we can get even a glimpse that we are a soul first and a human second, then we will know that we are powerful enough to create the happiness we are looking for. The Dear One Letters gives us more than a glimpse. They show us the way.