TKC 189 South by Southwest Interactive

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: Intro - Omar L. Gallaga reports that South by Southwest Interactive registration this year was up nearly 27 percent compared to last year, to a total of 24,569. News - 1) Amazon updates Kindle for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch just in time for the arrival of the iPad - 3rd generation. Is the screen better than the iPad 2? Absolutely. 2) Laura Hazard Owen reports on a survey showing college students are switching to tablets and e-readers. 3) Should you buy a refurbished Kindle Fire for $30 less than the new ones cost? Maybe. Tech Tips - Piotr Kowalczyk's EbookFriendly site is a good source of information and tips about the Kindle, including his method of using Twitter for quick links to Kindle samples or purchases.  Also, I'm still having trouble with my Kindle Fire's WiFi connection. Interviews - Daniel A. Cohen (starts at 13:12), author of The Ancillary's Mark: A Novel and Masters of the Veil, the first of the Veil trilogy, described his experience as an author in the Era of EBooks. His publisher is Spencer Hill Press. At the same gathering, Bytes and Books, on March 11, hosted by Shelton Interactive and Cave Henricks Communications, I spoke with Todd Sattersten (starts at 20:28), author of Every Book is a Startup: The New Business of Publishing, available at O'Reilly Media in DRM-free multiple formats for $9.99 and at the Kindle Store for $5.03. Other publishers mentioned: Harvard Business Publishing and Hay House. On March 12, after moderating a panel titled "Publishing Models Transforming the Book," Rachel Deahl spoke with me about how Amazon is perceived from within the traditional publishing industry. She is Senior News Editor at Publishers Weekly.  Content - The Man Who Wrote Old Yeller: Fred Gipson, Texas Storyteller by Mike Cox, Penguin's Book Country, and a free TED app for Kindle Fire. Upcoming Guests – Next week: James McQuivey of Forrester Research. TKC 191 on March 30: novelist Margaret Atwood, who has just published I’m Starved for You from Byliner. Other topics mentioned - "Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read?" in Time Magazine.