TKC 190 James McQuivey

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: News - 1) Suzanne Collins is the all-time top Kindle author, Amazon announces. To celebrate, they're giving away 12 Kindle Fires and 12 copies of her Hunger Games trilogy in a sweepstakes that ends March 25. And there's also a movie opening based on the first of the trilogy, getting good reviews. 2) Amazon updates Kindle for Android, as reported by BrothaTech at PCMag's appscout. 3) Pestered by Nick Bilton of The New York Times, the feds are taking a fresh look at whether you can read your Kindle and other gadgets during takeoff and landing. Don't hold your breath... Tech Tips - Darlene gets some help organizing the titles on her sister Deb's Kindle, using screenshots and collections. HOW TO MAKE SCREENSHOTS ON YOUR KINDLE: Original Kindle, Kindle 2 and Kindle Keyboard: Hold down the Alt and Shift Keys while you press the letter G. $79 Kindle: Press the 'menu' and 'keyboard' buttons down at the same time and then release. Kindle Touch: Push the home button then touch the screen. In each case, you will find the screenshots in the Documents folder when you connect your Kindle to a computer with the USB cable. From there you can open and print as needed. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR FIRE CAN'T GET YOUR BOOKS FROM THE CLOUD: (via Judy and, at KindleBoards, Betsy the Quilter) - click the settings gear at the top - select More.. - select Applications - select Filter by > All Applications - click Amazon Kindle - click the buttons "Force Stop", "Clear Data" This restores all the books to the cloud. Interview (Starts at 13:55) - James McQuivey, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, looks ahead to the future of e-ink Kindles and the looming War of the Tablets between Apple and Amazon. I spoke with James on March 20th by Skype. Content - Three for the Fire: TurboTax, 250+ Solitaire, and Feedly. And, how watching "Page One: Inside the New York Times" led to my renewal of a monthly subscription to The Times with an unexpected extra. Other Links - Brian Matt's report on Cheap Hotspots. Tom Semple on a feature of the Kindle for PC update: I don't think Amazon has announced it officially, but there is a recent update to K4PC and it supports Kindle Format 8 (KF8), mostly: - K4PC will download KF8 if the ebook is available in that format (to try it, download a sample of any O'Reilly-published title or at least a recent one such as "Machine Learning for Hackers") - K4PC supports fixed-layout KF8, but you have to side load it (i.e. it has to be Digital Rights Management (DRM) free. It won't download wirelessly from Archive and you can't select K4PC as the Deliver To.. (as of now anyway). Seems like they need to change something on the servers to allow it. - 2 column layout is not enabled with reflow able KF8 - I think there are going to be sync issues, since the calculation of Locations depends in part on the specific HTML markup used, which in general is different between mobi and kf8. This will go away as other apps and devices become kf8 capable but not all will be upgraded. Note that Personal Documents service is currently hostile to KF8, you can't even email directly to Kindle Fire with the send-to-kindle windows app with 'storage' option turned off, it always strips the kf8 out. But PD service doesn't work with K4PC anyway so it is moot at this point. Next Google Plus Video TKC Hangout: Monday, April 2nd at 2 pm Mountain Time. Next Week's Guest: Novelist Margaret Atwood, who has just published I’m Starved for You from Byliner.