TKC 192 Panio Gianopoulos

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: News - 1) Devin Coldewey of TechCrunch has the Kindle scoop of the week, with his first-person description of a new e Ink Kindle with a front-lit screen, apparently coming to the market later this year. 2) Amazon announces "eBooks Kindle en Espagñol Español." 3) CNET UK reports the Kindle Fire is coming to the U.K. and Europe "sooner rather than later," with a video review. 4) Google pulls the plug on its eBooks reseller program for independent bookstores. The American Booksellers Association promises an alternate way for bookstores to sell ebooks. Neil Strandberg of Denver's Tattered Cover Bookstore agrees it can be done, with a lot of work. Tech Tip - Two more things the Kindle Fire can't do compared with the Kindle Touch: Text to Speech, and swipe up or down for the next or previous chapters. Are you planning to give a used Kindle to someone? The process we use to prepare Kindles for E-Books for Troops might give you some ideas. Click here for information on donating a Kindle for use by a U.S. Soldier overseas. Interview (Starts at 20:53) - Panio Gianopoulos, publisher and creative director at Backlit Fiction, sees a bright future for Young Adult literature. I reached him by Skype in Los Angeles on April 3rd to learn more about the innovative plan his startup company has for revolutionizing YA with old tricks and new technology. Click here for a well-done Forbes profile. Other links mentioned: The Encyclopedia of Exes: 26 Stories by Men of Love Gone Wrong by Panio Gianopoulos, Joel Stein's essay, Panio's response, and A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. Content - My rave review of The Start-Up by Sadie Hayes, published by Backlit Fiction. An edgy test movie for your Kindle Fire: "I Think My Facebook Friend is Dead." And BookBub will email you a manageable dose of one free-book suggestion a day, like this one: The Price by Alexandra Sokoloff. Audio Note: After using GarageBand to create TKCs 1 through 191, with this episode I have moved up to Logic Pro 9, a powerful audio editing program that I have just begun to learn. One objective was to increase volume levels to match other podcasts I listen to. I would love to hear feedback from you on how this episode sounds, and how you listen to the podcast - earbuds while running? Bose speakers at your desk? In the car? Any suggestions would be appreciated!