TKC 209 Nancy Pearl

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: News - Since I created this episode earlier in the week than usual, I'm not including news that might be stale by Friday. Tech Tips - Why you might, from time to time, find that a book published through Kindle Direct Publishing has a smaller font than you're used to. Also, an update on a persistent annoyance in my Kindle Fire's WiFi connection. If you've experienced multiple listings of the same WiFi address on your Fire, please let me know at PodCharonicles AT Gmail DOT Com. Interview (starts at 9:14) - On July 27th in Seattle, I interviewed Nancy Pearl, creator of the Book Lust Rediscoveries series introduced by Amazon in January. She hosts a monthly TV show and is a regular guest on NPR's Morning Edition.   A portion of the proceeds of the Book Lust series is benefiting the Nancy Pearl Endowment for Public Librarianship at the University of Washington's Information School. Content - Here are books mentioned by Nancy Pearl in the interview: A Gay and Melancholy Sound by Merle Miller; After Life by Rhian Ellis; Fool by Frederick G. Dillon; The Last Night at the Ritz by Elizabeth Savage; The Cowboy and the Cossack by Clair Huffaker; The Girls from the Five Great Valleys by Elizabeth Savage; A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire (Book Five) by George R. R. Martin, The Fear Artist by Timothy Hallinan, and Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan by Rajiv Chandrasekaran. One I mentioned is George F. Kennan: An American Life by John Lewis Gaddis. Free Kindle Fire App: Pocket (Formerly Read It Later). Next Week's Guest: Eric Loss, back home after his Kindle-enhanced solo circumnavigation of the globe. Other Links Mentioned: Click here to have The Kindle Chronicles blog posts delivered wirelessly to your Kindle for 99 cents a month and here to sign up for a free Daily Digest email subscription from Kindle Nation Daily that includes the KND Weekender email each Saturday. The Weekender is the first place where my KND Contributing Editor's column appears each week, based on my Kindle Chronicles interview for the week. I want express my thanks to Pete Kraft at Splash Media for creating the handy navigation buttons that you now see at the top of the Kindle Chronicles web site. Well done! I'm looking forward to my trip to Tunica, Mississippi, later this week to present workshops on eBook formatting and podcasting at the Professional Outdoor Media Association's 2012 business conference. For the eBook session, I will be relying on Kate Harper's updated and expanded How to Publish and Sell Your Article on the Kindle: 12 Tips for Short Documents.