Movie Stream Cast Ep. 003: Hugo (2011)

Movie Stream Cast show

Summary: Today Jason and Jeff take a look at Martin Scorsese's Hugo. Their opinions might just surprise you. Are the guys wrong? If so, let them know why in the comments below. Hugo stars Asa Butterfield, Sir Ben Kingsley, Chloe Grace Moretz, Sacha Baron Cohen, Emily Mortimer, Christopher Lee and Jude Law. Fast Facts: Prior to Hugo, Leonardo DiCaprio had starred in every Martin Scorsese film in the 2000s. The last to not star Leo was Bringing Out The Dead in 1999. James Cameron has said that Hugo featured the best use of 3D he has ever seen, including Cameron's own film Avatar. An early scene in the train station feature appearances of characters representing Winston Churchill, James Joyce and Django Reinhardt. The opening track shot of the city which ends in the train station took an entire year and 1000 computers to complete. Next Week's Film: Hick We hope you enjoyed our podcast. If you did, please check back next week and don't forget to follow us on twitter @MovieStreamCast and subscribe in iTunes. Also you can reach us by email at [amazon asin=B00AEFY9MG&template=iframe image]