Episode X: Final Cut Pro X

That Studio Show show

Summary: Final Cut Pro X That Post Show returns after a two-year hiatus. Hosted by Kanen Flowers With Special Guests: Paul Del Vecchio Mike J. Nichols Scott Simmons Skype, as usual, starts to drift after about 90 minutes of recording. For this, if nothing else, I apologize. Edited in GarageBand (for the first time). Let us know if there are audio issues. This is the re-compressed audio version, which is louder and hopefully, much better. Followup to Pogue by Richard Harrington Topics We discuss the release of Final Cut Pro X, which was released June 21, 2011 in the Mac App Store. 24 hours later, we discuss what Final Cut Pro X means to professional editors, filmmakers, Avid and Premiere users and people familiar with iMovie. Thanks, in part, to DigitalRebellion's FAQ for many of the items we discuss in our "Lightning Round" of questions. An Aside Anyone have a deck that can import ProHD HDV™/DV footage from a JVC-GYHD camera (c.f. pro.jvc.com)? I need about 20 HDV/ProHDV tapes ingested. Contact me if you do. I can send you the HDV tapes. Links Digital Rebellion FAQ Daring Fireball FCPX Backlash Premium Beat: Missing Features Pogue's NY Times FCPX article Creative Cow article Philip Hodgetts "Answers" Philip Hodgetts IMDB Mac Quadra Tommy Wingo Walter Murch