Peter Shankman: Why nice companies finish first

be intrepid. show

Summary: WHO: Peter Shankman, discussing his latest book! WHAT: Speaker, Ironman, skydiver, entrepreneur, founder of HARO, author of Nice Companies Finish First: Why Cutthroat Management Is Over--and Collaboration Is In. WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW: 1. "There just might be something to this "being a nice guy thing."" 2. You can learn how to save marketing dollars by being nice. 3. You need CEO buy-in on this idea, or "NOTHING will happen." 4. You'll learn that Steve Jobs was actually a nice guy! 5. ...and that yeah, company culture matters a great deal. 6. Understand how an authoritarian figure can change... 7. "You can't fake being nice." 8. Learn how to draw the line between being nice...and being taken advantage of. 9. "Serve your competition, and you won't have any." 10. Hear a discussion about how to integrate "nice" into your PR strategy. 11. "Don't be reactive to negative commentary online. Takes steps now to do good works that people cannot complain about online in the first place." 12. "You can't automate being nice." 13. After hearing this interview, the first ten people who email Peter will get an invite to his book launch party in NYC Thursday, April 4th! You can purchase Peter's book here (affiliate link): THIS WEEK'S SHOW BROUGHT TO YOU BY Marketing RELEVANCE is a full-service marketing, communication and interactive company that understands that communication is different today. We know that the needs of companies vary drastically, which is why we cater to those that want a full-service marketing agency, but we also offer services a la carte. Whatever your marketing or communication need, we do it. And, the great thing is that we can show our results using your analytic tracking software and sales reports. After all, good marketing must produce qualified leads that can be converted into sales. For more information, please visit ### To hear from other cool and hip folks like Peter Shankman, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! This is episode 85.