EPISODE 49 - Hammer Horror

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: Hammer Horror! Let's take another look back to the films of yesteryear as we explore the era when Hammer Productions ruled the world of horror film and the influence it's been credited with on the horror landscape. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing were pillars of the horror output from this studio for a span of almost 30 years, so fittingly we devote some time to recognize what made their performances so compelling. The critical 3 films helmed by Terrence Fischer which paved the way for the success of Hammer horror are discussed at length (Curse of Frankenstein 1957, Horror of Dracula 1958 and The Mummy 1959), along with several notables and a documentary recommendation for those who wish to further explore the period (Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror 1994). Keeping with the theme of the show we devote Shlock Corner to Christopher Lee's unique brand of singing (watch along here). The episode closes out with some great audio feedback and an extended response to a particular piece of corresopndence. Thanks again to all for tuning in and please send along those audio book reviews for an upcoming listener edition of the podcast. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM