Episode 38: Billy Campbell: Actor, Rocketeer, Gamer

Vic's Basement show

Summary: Today on The Basement, the boys get a visit from a special guest: it's the Rocketeer himself, actor Billy Campbell. We won't lie to you—Billy is a personal friend, and often takes Vic and Scott (well, mostly Vic) up in his Celebrity Helicopter, where they race against James Cameron and other Hollywood types in Celebrity Helicopter Races. Some highlights from the show: Billy reveals his super-nerdy gamer side; Scott reveals his man-crush on Billy; Billy gives Vic's mom a ride to her reducing class. So, lots of fun stuff in today's show. You should really listen to it. Seriously, it's good. Oh, and Billy will be attending Fan Expo Vancouver next month as well as the Canadian Videogame Awards. Right there, you've got two opportunities to see Billy Campbell in person. And, according to Scott, he's truly something to see. Insert wolf whistle sound effect HERE. If you missed the Rocketeer Commentary Video, you can check it out here.