Línea Abierta : WHO BEARS THE BRUNT?

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Summary: WHO BEARS THE BRUNT? Almost a month after the federal sequester, this edition looks at the effects of the automatic cuts, and a new budget proposed by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Ryan’s budget, approved by the House of Representatives, would slash funds for education, job-skills training, and unemployment benefits, while repealing the Affordable Care Act and completely transforming the public health insurance program, Medicare. Experts say Latinos and other communities of color would bear the brunt of such drastic cuts. Experts discuss various angles of this issue. Guests: Dr. Adriana Kugler, Professor, Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., www.georgetown.edu; Leticia Miranda, Associate Director, Economic and Employment Policy Project, National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Washington, D.C., www.nclr.org; Tom Fullerton, Ph.D., Professor & Trade in the Americas Chair, Department of Economics & Finance, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, www.utep.edu