Talking Left Episode 2012-4

Talking Left w/ Danielle & Shane-O show

Summary: Strap yourself in for a wild ride! In hour one, we heard from amazing political analyst, columnist, and "talk radio personality", Karl Frisch.  He gave us his predictions on the GOP primary, his analysis of the State of The Union speech, and his opinion of watching the Republican response. Next, we spoke with Senior Fellow of Media Matters for America, Eric Boehlert about political rhetoric, media "bias" in the GOP primary, and the coverage of the State of The Union. And - for the last hour - we all tried to keep our blood pressure down during The Great Voter ID Debate with Brad Friedman of The Brad Blog and Armen Martin - Shane's Tea Party friend from Law School.  Hold on to your hats with this segment - it gets pretty interesting!   {play}archive/TalkingLeft1-25-12.mp3{/play}  Right click on this line, "save file as" to download the MP3 to your computer. Please support our syndicates - Talk Radio One and SoFlo Radio - for helping to ensure all listeners have corporate-free, independent radio! You can also follow all of the news about upcoming topics and guests on our Facebook page and on Twitter @TalkingLeft. And you can subscribe to Talking Left free on iTunes! As always, thanks for listening!