Talking Left Episode 2012-9

Talking Left w/ Danielle & Shane-O show

Summary: Hopefully this episode of Talking Left made up for us missing two weeks! To start the show, Stephanie Miller, of The Stephanie Miller Show, joined us to talk about her new Current TV morning show, Talking Liberally. After that we had a full hour with GottaLaff of The Political Carnival! We covered Arizona Rep. Terri Proud's statement that women should have to watch a video of an abortion before having one, Hugh Atkin's "Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up Video", J.R. Gaillot's run to defeat Cliff Stearns in Florida, and much more! If you can, please donate $3.00 to help J.R. and spread the donate link on your social media sites! Next, we had the pleasure of speaking with Lindsey Pecikonis of Democracy for America, about their scholarship program that helps activists and bloggers attend Netroots Nation each year.  We really encourage many of our friends and listeners to apply for a scholarship and/or help others win one by voting! Last, but far from least, we spoke with Angelo Carusone, of Media Matters and, about his new Stop Rush movement.  You can check out a full list of companies that have pulled their ads from Rush's program at and find out even more by following the @StopRush Twitter account. {play}archive/TalkingLeft3-21-12.mp3{/play}  Right click on this line, "save file as" to download the MP3 to your computer. Please support our syndicates - Talk Radio One, Progressive Blend Radio, and SoFlo Radio - for helping to ensure all listeners have corporate-free, independent radio! You can also follow all of the news about upcoming topics and guests on our Facebook page and on Twitter @TalkingLeft. And you can subscribe to Talking Left free on iTunes! As always, thanks for listening!