Talking Left Episode 2012-13

Talking Left w/ Danielle & Shane-O show

Summary: To start off the show, we were pleased to announce that Danny Herrera of Media Matters will be our regular, weekly guest for the Media Matter's Mashup! As he did this week, Danny will help us navigate through the mine-field of over-the-top commentary in the media. In hour two, we featured Chris Henrichsen in our "Get to know your grass-roots candidate" segment.  He is running for Congress in Wyoming and had some great points on some major issues! Please check out and donate if you can! We finished the show with a full hour of brilliant commentary from our wonderful friend Nicole Belle, of Crooks and Liars.  She provided us with some amazing perspective and opinions on a few of today's top news stories. Please remember that Netroots Nation scholarship competition from Democracy for America is still on-going!  Round three just started, and our great friends Kenny Pick and Ray Mederios need your vote! Please take a second and vote for them and share the link on all your social media sites!   {play}archive/TalkingLeft4-18-12.mp3{/play}  Right click on this line, "save file as" to download the MP3 to your computer. Please support our syndicates - Talk Radio One, Progressive Blend Radio, and SoFlo Radio - for helping to ensure all listeners have corporate-free, independent radio! You can also follow all of the news about upcoming topics and guests on our Facebook page and on Twitter @TalkingLeft. And you can subscribe to Talking Left free on iTunes! As always, thanks for listening!