Talking Left Episode 2012-14

Talking Left w/ Danielle & Shane-O show

Summary: This is definitely a "Not Safe For Work" episode of Talking Left.  Or safe for kids for that matter. We were delighted to have special co-host Allie, of The 99 Report, join us for the whole show! In hour one, we spoke about her blog and her great show and even managed to go through our Media Matters Mash Up segment, despite our usual guest, Danny Herrera, not being able to join us. After that, we were very impressed with our "Get to know your grass-roots candidate" of the week - Mikel Weisser, who is running for Congress in Arizona's 4th district.  His truly progressive platform is a refreshing change from many out there and we fully support him! Please add your support for Mikel over at Democracy For America and donate, if you can, on his Act Blue site! Next, we had our seriously-not-FCC segment with Rude Pundit, who covered Wisconsin's newest abortion law as only Dr. Rude can.  Remember, you may want to make sure the kids aren't in ear-shot before enjoying his delightfully-unique brand of intellect.  During the last hour of the show, Brad Friedman, of The Brad Blog and The Brad Cast on KPFK, joined us to discuss the most recent case of infringement on our voting rights and ALEC, one the main forces working to continue taking our rights away. And yes, this episode had a few technical issues, in case that isn't overly apparent, but we can always use another reason to laugh at ourselves and remind everyone that we ain't curin' cancer here.  Thanks to all who stuck with us during the live show!   Please remember that Netroots Nation scholarship competition from Democracy for America is still on-going!  Round three just started, and our great friends Kenny Pick and Ray Mederios need your vote! Please take a second and vote for them and share the link on all your social media sites!   {play}archive/TalkingLeft4-25-12.mp3{/play}  Right click on this line, "save file as" to download the MP3 to your computer. Please support our syndicates - Talk Radio One, Progressive Blend Radio, and SoFlo Radio - for helping to ensure all listeners have corporate-free, independent radio! You can also follow all of the news about upcoming topics and guests on our Facebook page and on Twitter @TalkingLeft. And you can subscribe to Talking Left free on iTunes! As always, thanks for listening!