CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "This radio sure has a lot of stations, Dad," said Nate as he turned the dial of the radio. Snippets of a lot of different people talking on various radio stations filtered into the room. "How do people get inside radios?" asked Nate's little brother, Cody. "People aren't actually inside the radio!" replied Nate. "It just picks up sound waves from all over. It's like . . ." He paused. "You explain it, Dad." Dad smiled. "I don't really understand much about it myself," he said, "but we're told that sound waves from the various stations are right here in this room. The radio is simply a receiver. It picks out the various sound waves and makes it possible for you to hear them." "The man who invented the radio must have been pretty smart," said Nate. "Yes," agreed Dad, "but I'm thinking of another receiver, and the one who made that one is even smarter." "You mean like . . . whoever invented TV?" asked Nate. "It would take somebody really smart to make it possible for us to hear the people who are talking and see them, too, wouldn't it?" "Yes, but I'm thinking of someone even smarter than that," said Dad. "In a way, our ears are something like a radio in that they receive sound waves, too. And God is the one who made them." Cody wiggled his ears. "I have two ears," he said. "That's right," said Dad, "and since you have two ears, you can even tell what direction a sound is coming from--and also about how far away it is." "So eyes are kinda like cameras, and ears are kinda like radios," observed Nate. Dad nodded. "And God made both eyes and ears," he said. "Yesterday we talked about the importance of seeing wholesome things, and we need to be sure to listen to wholesome things as well. Don't let the sounds of the world drown out God's voice. Listen carefully to what He has to say. It's always very important. Okay?" "Okay, Dad," replied Nate. "We'll remember, won't we, Cody?" But Cody was playing with his trucks and no longer paying attention. "Oh, well," said Nate, "I'll remind him now and then--and you can remind me." How About You? Do you use your ears to listen to the right kind of things? Does the music you choose honor God? Do the jokes, stories, and programs you listen to please Him? What you hear, as well as what you see, should encourage you to think about things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely. Read Philippians 4:8 again. Thank God right now for your hearing, and be sure to use your ears to listen to good things! Today's Key Verse: The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both. (Proverbs 20:12) Today's Key Thought: Listen to good things