The Potential Negative Impacts of Daycare | Part 4

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Academic and Intellectual Development of Daycare This is one of the great myths presented to parents.  There is some research out there that shows academic development is higher for children at daycare, BUT this was only in areas where moms themselves were not academically able to develop their children. Remember that mom can and should be the best teacher.  Especially for preschool aged children, one on one attention is important.  Mom can take the time to answer questions, and because they know their child even the questions that weren’t being asked. A mom can and will take the time to hear a child’s heart and will be better able to notice and develop their specific gifts. If there is an area that you feel your child can develop more, a mom can take the time to educate herself in how to help her child and then spend the one on one time it takes to do so.   Again we have only scratched the surface of this topic, listen to today’s podcast for more insight.