Línea Abierta : REFORM IN THE WORKS.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: REFORM IN THE WORKS. As members of Congress prepare for a week-long recess, citizen mobilizations gather steam to push legislators for immigration reform while they are in their home districts. Organizers of some of the actions planned for next week join this edition. Also, immigration lawyer Rosalba Piña offers commentary and analysis on the latest immigration news and responds to listeners' questions about how to apply for residency or naturalization. Guests: Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration law expert, Chicago, IL, www.rosalbapina.com ; Kica Matos, Director of Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice, Center for Community Change, and Spokesperson, Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), New Haven, CT, www.fairimmigration.org ; Sergio Guzmán,Vice President and Secretary Treasurer, United Farm Workers (UFW), Salinas, CA, www.ufw.org