Jonah Berger: Are you contagious? And why that matters to moving people and sales

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Summary: A real pleasure to welcome Jonah Berger to Intrepid Radio! He joined me to discuss his book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On. Jonah is a professor of marketing at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Learn more about Jonah Berger and his work here. Discussion topics included: 1. The six principles that make things contagious: Social Currency Triggers Emotion Public Practical Value Stories (and how stories are like the Trojan Horse) 2. While strategy and tactics matter, sometimes it really is just about how to move people to action. People are rarely inspired by advertising. But they are motivated by what people they care about are saying. 3. The importance of social influence. Yes, I am afraid, it DOES matter. 4. While many people say things to me like "Oh Todd, this is nice material, but it doesn't apply to what I am marketing," Jonah explains how these principles apply to, well, everything... Large corporations. Small businesses. Non-profits. Political campaigns. Individual sales reps. And so on... 5. In what I think it the most important point, this doen't only happen online. The real impacts happen with OFFLINE communication. Jonah shares a statistic that will BLOW YOUR MIND. This interview, and this book, will help position your ideas and products to become talkable, go viral, and become popular. Enjoy the conversation! You can purchase Jonah's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other cool and hip folks like Jonah Berger, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! This is episode 84.