Kidney Stones

ActionPodcast show

Summary: If you follow me ( Paul ) on Twitter ( ) then you'll know that recently I was rushed to hospital, as it turns out, I was passing a 4mm kidney stone. Now, I'm told that this is the closest pain to childbirth. Considering the amount of pain killers I was given, I certainly believe it was pretty close! During my experience, I found myself on several occasions that I had to "check-in" with myself. I was finding that whilst the pain came in waves, sometimes I would be so busy shouting and screaming that I'd occasionally not notice that the pain has actually subsided! It got me thinking what else am I, or other people, trying to cope with that's actually is no longer true. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!