The Danger of Comparisons

ActionPodcast show

Summary: Do you often compare yourself to others - then find your self-esteem plummeting? As Shakespeare himself said: 'Comparisons are odious'. Why? Because there will always be someone taller, thinner, more beautiful and more successful than us. The media has a lot to answer for - take a look at the insidious beauty industry and women's magazines. When did you last pick up a glossy and feel good about yourself? Quite. Dove have successfully poked fun at the beauty industry in their brilliant ad campaigns. Check out this short video to see how the magazine designers airbrush models to death - to make them look 'perfect'. It's all Photoshop - in reality these models don't 'exist'. Tricks of the magazine trade In today's podcast, Paul and Gina look at ways we can combat the 'comparison game' and come out on top. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!