Paradigm Shift - 2013-03-15 - Scotty Roberts

Paradigm Shift show

Summary: guest: Scotty Roberts, author, illustrator, publisher Scott Alan Roberts is the founder and publisher of Intrepid Mag, a journal dedicated to politics, science and unexplained phenomena. He is the author and illustrator of "The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O'Hare," an historical novel set in Tudor England, Ireland and Scotland. He is a radio show host, popular public speaker and stand‐up philosopher. He has been interviewed on scores of radio shows and was the Editor‐In‐Chief of SyFy's Ghost Hunters official publication, TAPS ParaMagazine. In his early years he attended bible college and theological seminary working toward his Masters in Divinity, but gave that all up for a 33‐year career in advertising and publishing as an art and creative director, designer, illustrator, photographer and wordsmith. He has spent most of the last 30 years occupationally hovering in the advertising ghettos of Minneapolis Saint Paul, Minnesota.