Timeless Dimenssions Radio on LiveParanormal.com - Mar 16,2013

liveparanormal show

Summary: Timeless Dimensions: This show is to explore any and all area's of the paranormal. We want to discuss all avenue's that this world and other realms have to offer. Paranormal is considered to be anything that society has deemed abnormal. Everything from ghost, spirits, poltergeist, U.F.O.'s, crypto's i.e. bigfoot, lizard people etc. There is a lot of phenomenon that is happening right before our very eyes today that needs to be talked about and explored. I named the show Timeless Dimensions because I truly believe that the veil is becoming thinner and beings from other places on this Earth are beginning to be able to pass through these realms. Let talk about these things together! Let's find the answer's together. Join me every Friday night at 8 p.m. (EST) on liveparanormal.com.