Idol Worship

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "You shall have no other gods before me. You shall have no other gods before me," Kristen murmured repeatedly as the family drove home from church. Kristen's brother Adam frowned. "What are you muttering about?" he asked. "Our class is going to learn the Ten Commandments," replied Kristen, "so I'm learning the first one for next Sunday." She frowned. "We're supposed to think about what it means, too," she added. "My teacher says people often worship false gods, even in America, but I never knew anybody who did that." "Don't be so sure," said Dad. "A job, clothes, popularity, money--almost anything can become a god if it becomes more important to us than the true God. Sometimes it's even another person." "Seems weird to me," said Kristen. "I heard somebody say one of the girls in your class at school is imitating some rock star or movie star or something," said Adam. "Do you know who she is?Maybe she's making an idol of whoever she's copying. " "Maybe!" exclaimed Kristen. "I know who you mean. Her name is Haley, and she dresses and acts so funny lately. She's always talking about somebody named Shana. Haley tries to walk and talk and sing like her. She fixed her hair the way she says this Shana person does, and Haley tries to dress like her." Kristen laughed. "She told us she and Shana even use the same kind of toothpaste! Isn't that silly?Maybe Shana is a god to Haley." "That would be too bad," said Dad, "but let's be careful to examine our own lives, not just point at someone else. What things--or people--might we put in the place that belongs to God?" "Ah-h-h . . . how about famous basketball or football players?" suggested Kristen. "I think boys make gods of them." "Well, how about clothes?" retorted Adam. "Or hair styles? That's what girls are always fussing about." "Any of those things could be a problem," agreed Dad, "but again--be sure to look at your own life, not someone else's. Be sure to give God first place in your life and worship only Him." How About You? Do you worship only the true God? Or is there some other god in your life? It's okay to have someone you admire and look up to, but make sure it's someone who follows Jesus--and even then, don't make a god of that person. It's also okay to enjoy certain things or activities, but be sure they don't take first place in your life. Make Jesus your daily pattern and guide. Today's Key Verse: You shall have no other gods before Me. (Exodus 20:3) Today's Key Thought: Worship the true God