Connie Green’s Earn 10k/Month Coaching Program

Nicole on the Net show

Summary: Hey all. My good friend, Connie Green does a cool coaching program where she chooses one of her special students and mentors him or her until they earn 10k per month. AND – the coolest part is that she records the coaching calls and allows us to listen in as part of her Earn 10k Per Month Laser Coaching Program. So, we get to listen in to the coaching calls, without having to put our own necks on the line. This week, she started with a new student (a pretty cool gal, if I do say so myself) – and she’s made their first call available to listen to free. Just click play below or download to listen. If you think you might like to follow along on the rest of their journey together, here’s where you can learn more. Click to Learn More about Connie Green’s “Earn 10k per Month” Laser Coaching I’m off to listen now. Warmly, Nicole Dean PS. Holy cow. I just noticed that you get the recordings from THIS 10k/month laser coaching AND also the recordings from the last two students that Connie mentored as well. Yowza. That’s good stuff. I hope you liked the free call. If you missed it, you can see the links again here: