Biblical Manliness 010

Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger show

Summary:     Episode #010 Recorded February 28, 2013 "Running Like a Man" HOST: Chris Clevenger       Show Notes: Introductory Thoughts: Houston Retreats from Santa Anna's Army Santa Anna defeated Texans at Alamo (March 6, 1836)/Sam Houston initially retreats from the Mexican Army headed toward Gonzales (March 13, 1836)/While the decision to retreat was not popular with many of Houston's contemporaries, it allowed him to train his men and prepare for battle. When the Mexican forces were splintered due to Houston's retreat, the Texans charged with 783 troops against a force nearly twice their size. Only two Texans were killed and 30 wounded. Santa Anna was captured and the Mexican troops were forced to withdraw from Texan soil (April 21, 1836). Sometimes it is the duty of a man to fight. Other times it is his duty to flee. Paul instructed Timothy, his Biblical Manliness protege, to flee from certain things. Here's how we can "run" like men. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. (1 Timothy 6:11) Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22) Run From... "Youthful Lusts" Flee fornication (1 Cor. 6:18) Joseph fled (Genesis 39:12) "The grace of God enabled Joseph to overcome the temptation, by avoiding the temper. He would not stay to parley with the temptation, but fled from it, as escaping for his life. If we mean not to do iniquity, let us flee as a bird from the snare, and as a roe from the hunter." - Matthew Henry Run To... Righteousness Matthew 6:33 Faith Hebrews 13:7 ("whose faith follow") Charity/Love 1 Cor. 14:1 ("follow after charity") Peace 1 Peter 3:11 Patience 2 Peter 1:5-6 Godliness 1 Timothy 6:6 Meekness Colossians 3:12 ("put on meekness") Run With... "Them that call on the Lord" Means More than Declaring Faith in God verbally. "Out of a Pure Heart" 1 Peter 1:22 ("with a pure heart fervently") Your Feedback Submit your feedback or suggest future topics via email ( or voicemail: 903-26-LIGHT (903-265-4448) If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks. Previous Episodes Click here to see all of the episodes of Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger. Subscription Links