Majors vs Indies

Hip Hop National Radio show

Summary: Since the music business has changed so much in the last 10 years the question of indie vs major has surfaced time and time again. We have heard how much the Major label has cheated and/or ripped of the artist or how liberating and how much freedom exists when you're independent and doing it all yourself. While there may be a bit a truth on both sides there are also some variables we must examine before determining which way is the best way to present our music to the public based on our individual needs, desires & aspirations. We are going to do just that this Friday, November 26th, 2010 10pm-12am eastern standard time at Hip Hop National Radio you can log in on your computer and/or call in at 213-559-2995 to speak on the subject or just to listen in. We hope you tune in, we want to hear your voice.