Radio Enso Episode #32 with Crystal Street

Radio Enso show

Summary:   Join me Monday, March 5th at 6 p.m. Pacific/9 Eastern. My guest will be photographer, writer, and nomad Crystal Street.   About Crystal: "I'm Crystal, a storyteller, a nomad and an artist. My professional hats include documentary photographer, commercial multimedia producer and writer. This site is home to my observations and philosophical perspectives on society, travel and my embodiment of an unconventional lifestyle.   Several years ago, while embarking on a perpetual "Walkabout", I began this blog, also known as the Storytelling Traveler. The idea was planted from past blogs about trips to Palestine and India and the seedlings blossomed over a gorgeous latte in a tiny little Berkley coffeeshop. I knew the time had come to open my stories up to the world. So I did.   I will not be just a tourist in the world of images, just watching images passing by which I cannot live in, make love to, possess as permanent sources of joy and ecstasy. ~Anais Nin   This site is a glimpse into the world we live within, through the eyes of a documentarian, an avid social observer and sometimes anthropologist. My goal in showing you the world through my lens is to expose the underbelly of the society we live within- the divine and the devastating. For in order to truly understand what our blessings may be and how rich our lives truly are- we must walk throughout all the peaks and valleys of this world with our eyes wide open."   For more about Crystal, visit