Radio Enso Episode #37 with Catherine Just

Radio Enso show

Summary:   Join me Monday, April 16th at 6 p.m. Pacific/9 Eastern. My guest will be Soul*Full photographer and coach Catherine Just.   About Catherine: “When I was 18 years old I had a raging drug and alcohol addiction. I was deeply depressed and lost, and had no understanding that I had anything of value to offer the world. I didn’t relate to others around me and had a deep painful void in my soul that I was desperate to fill. A required art class changed all of that for me. The teacher told me that I was talented and not give up. It was the first time I loved what I was doing. It was uniquely mine and fed my soul. It was life changing.   After high school, I checked myself into drug treatment. I completed the program and moved to Minneapolis to enroll in a 4 year art college. I studied photography and it became a way for me to say visually what was so painful for me to say verbally. I received a BFA in photography. More importantly, I figured out that life was worth living, sober, and that I could express myself fully through my art.   Today I have 24 years of sobriety. I have a photography business that focuses on eCourses, Retreats and mentoring for women. We explore ways to live a more Soul*Full and deeply connected life.   A photograph of mine has been published on the cover of National Geographic Magazine and a portrait I created of don Miguel Ruiz was published on   For more about Catherine, visit