Girlfriendology gets ready for BlogHer!

Girlfriendology show

Summary: Join us as we get ready for THE big BlogHer conference! We'll talk with girlfriend guests CASEY from SlimPerfect and CAROLE from Muffintopless about the fun SlimPerfect BlogHer Little Black Dress Model contest and our fun, fabulous winners! CASEY KURUTZ created SlimPerfect Swimwear & Activewear (50% off until Aug. 1!!! Use ‘BlogHer’ as promo code!). SlimPerfect was designed to help women with their confidence levels at the pool, beach or at the gym. (Or, as I call it, attractive activewear! See our review here.) CAROLE HICKS helps women become ‘muffintopless’ through her blog (you guessed it!) Muffintopless. Plus, she’s reaching out to companies and individuals through her business Oh! Social. Together we three created and ran a “Little Black Dress” contest for BlogHer. On the eve of BlogHer, we’re going to talk with Casey and Carole about their passions, businesses and the need for a good Little Black Dress! So listen, call or chat - but just join us on this week’s BlogTalkRadio show! TODAY at 11am PST/2pm EST on!