#231: Is The Best Fat Loss Diet For People Also The Best Fat Loss Diet For Your Pet?

Ben Greenfield Life – Health, Diet, Fitness, Family & Faith show

Summary: Click here for the full written podcast of this episode. Feb 27, 2013 free podcast: Is The Best Fat Loss Diet For People Also The Best Fat Loss Diet For Your Pet? Also: what to eat to prevent cold sores, can you use sodium bicarbonate for performance, what to do about calf pain, eating maple syrup for training and racing, and taking Phenocane for SI Joint pain. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right side of this page, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or (if you hate the sound of your own voice) scroll down to the “Ask Ben” form. Please don't forget to give the podcast a comment/ranking in iTunes - it only takes a minute and it helps grow our healthy and fit community! ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: To get these and other interesting news flashes every week, follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+. How to turn yourself into an infertile, weak, skinny-fat over-exerciser. Whole body vibration platforms (like this) shown to improve power in road cyclists. Top 5 constipation fixes according to this study: Olestra, all-bran, prunes, lactulose, psyllium. More evidence that reducing oxygen supply to muscle during exercise gets you fit faster. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: “Become Superhuman” Live Event With Ben Greenfield Coming To Spokane, WA, March 8 & 9, 2013 - Reserve your spot now! For more info, listen to this audio interview from the Wide World Of Health and learn why you should be there. Visit AudiblePodcast.com/Ben to get your first 30 days of the AudibleListener Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit. This week we recommend Monkey Mind by Daniel Smith. Wednesday, March 13 at 5:30pm PST - Come see Ben Greenfield, vegan athlete Rich Roll and celebrity trainer Vinnie Tortorich duke it out over diets on spreecast.com. Get featured on the podcast by creating your own MyList - here's what to do (did I mention that it's free?): Create your own "MyList" list that targets your passion in health, fitness or nutrition (gear, tools, supplements or anything else), Share your MyList right here by leaving a link to it in the comments section at the bottom of the page, I'll choose the best list, and contact you for an interview about why you chose the items on your list. ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast "sidekick". Angie says @ 00:33:41 She gets cold sores and is wondering if taking a broad spectrum amino acid supplement with L-arginine would inhibit the effectiveness of the L-lysine… or, moreover, what would use suggest for supplementation to reduce cold sores. Daniela says @ 00:39:40 Is wondering if human weight loses strategies would work for animals? Specifically her dog. Also, she can't make it to the Superhuman Event in March and is wondering if there are any other events that you would suggest or recommend to your listeners. ~ For dog food I recommend Primal Pet Foods. My twitter feed tells what I'm attending and also check out: Pacific Elite Fitness calendar, PaleoFX, Ancestral Health Symposium, Bulletproof Biohacking Conference. Eliot says @ 00:55:01 He was reading about using sodium bicarbonate. He understands it can cause some major GI issues. but what about using it with the magnesium oil as a trans-dermal supplement (dissolving some baking soda and rubbing on)? Would that work? Is it legal? Would it have any effect on longer distances (the studies I have seen are shorter/middle distance stuff)? (He understands the energy system for longer distance racing is different - there may be less lactic acid build up, but assumes that in a 3hr marathon there would be some benefit) ~ In my response I talk about Transdermal magnesium oil, Transdermal bath flakes and Oxaloacetate.