Hot Mama Mahatma Karen Fitzgerald

Feminine Soul Radio show

Summary: Our guest today will also be speaking at The Power of Being a Woman Teleseries. Register for free @ http://powerofbeingawoman.comIn this episode Vanessa Halloum interviews Karen Fitzgerald. Karen’s life flipped upside down after her divorce.  After sending her kids off to college, she embarked on a spiritual journey that changed the course of her life.  She’s be sharing the details about this spiritual journey with us today. Her keynote speech, “Step Into the Spotlight or You’ll Spend Your Life Sitting in the Audience”, has inspired hundreds of women to step into their dreams.  This propelled her into coaching women identify those dreams and have the support to start living them. She also wrote a solo show comedy about her spiritual journey to India. Called “Hot Mama Mahatma!”  It opened her in many surprising ways, but she had to first learn how to say “NO” in her life before she could say “YES”. And with all of this, Karen has been featured this year in two books on fearless women, Fearless Women: Visions of a New World by Mary Ann Halpin, and In Her Power, by Helene Lerner. Her website is: Remember, Karen will also be speaking at The Power of Being a Woman teseries. Register for free @