Beautiful Hallucination

solipsistic NATION show

Summary: Today's show was originally going to have interviews with Amon Tobin and Dr. Toast about their new albums; an interview with the folks from the Norbergfestival, which is taking place in Sweden this weekend; and an interview with Geeta Dayal about her book about Brian Eno's album, Another Green World. But shows like that take a lot of time. I have to schedule the interviews, come up with some hopefully thought provoking questions, then record and edit the interviews, never mind producing the actual show. Add in a day job and suddenly flying to Indiana to say goodbye to my grandfather. I just didn't have that kind time to wrap up the month with a show like that. I promise to deliver that show to you next month, though. So what have I got for in store for you on today's edition of solipsistic NATION? Glad you asked. As of last night I had no idea what I was going to do for today's show and then I remembered a mix I had been putting together for Macedonia for his excellent Both Sides of the Surface podcast. Macedonia had invited me to be a guest DJ on his show about a year ago and I've slowly been pulling tracks I thought would perfectly fit right into his show while still conveying the spirit of my own show. That was the plan, but since I had nothing for today's show, well, my back was against the wall. I'll come up with another set for Macedonia. Hopefully it wont take another six months. Speaking of Macedonia, you really need to hear his latest podcast. Macedonia's show is always fantastic but he's really been batting them out of the park in 2011. There's a reason I've been listening to Both Sides of the Surface for the last five years. I urge you to give his show a listen and his latest podcast is an excellent place to start. Lately there's been a huge uptick in the number of people listening to the show. If that happens to be you, thanks for tuning in. And thanks to all you long-time listeners, too. Just in the last six months I've done features on the Excursions in Ambience and Waveform compilation albums, I've had live performances from everyone from Atari Teenage Riot to Zion Train and segments with everyone from Bluetech to Skinny Puppy's Ogre. I can't help but think part of that is due to the number of people who listen to the show. If you'd like to help support the show then turn your friends on to solipsistic NATION if you think it's something they'll enjoy as much as you do. Who knows where the show could go if there was even more of us! And since there are so many of you listening to solipsistic NATION there's a Kickstarter project I want to you to consider funding. You know Kickstarter, right? It's a website where people, mostly artists and designers, can try and crowd source funding for a project they want to produce. The most famous Kickstarter project to date has been a very stylish watch band for Apple's iPod Nano. My buddy, Knitting Guy, has a far humbler but no less magical idea. He wants to transform stop signs in San Diego into flowers. Even if you only kick in a buck you'd be helping him out a lot. Go here for more information. Join us again next week for a special live set from Speak Onion. I guarantee he'll melt your ear buds. See you then! 01. Wagon Christ "Mr. Mukatsuku" 02. The Gaslamp Killer "Turk Mex" 03. Ras G "Desert Fairy" 04. Oh No "Heavy" 05. Prefuse 73 "The Only Way To Find (feat. Nico Turner)" 06. Funki Porcini "The 3rd Man" 07. Sole and the Skyrider Band "Hello Cruel World (SkyRider Snowglobe Remix)" 08. Shigeto "And We Gonna (Samiyam Chopsticks Remix)" 09. Yppah "Gumball Machine Weekend" 10. Coldcut "Sign" 11. Yage "The Strangest Girl On Planet Earth" 12. 2H10 "Introsand" 13. Darkhorse "Take 2" 14. Igor Boxx "Goliath" 15. Sleepover "Outside Glitter" 16. When Saints Go Machine "Whoever Made You Stand Still" 17. Zengineers "Un Taxi la Nuit (Dub One! la première fois)" [FREE DOWNLOAD] 18. Zygote "Z-Zone" 19. 14KT "On Ya Mind" 20. Wallpaper. "I Got Soul, I'm So Wasted"