Metal Postcard Records

solipsistic NATION show

Summary: Last weekend I headed up to LA with my friend. No particular reason, we both just needed to get out of San Diego. Don't get me wrong, San Diego is a slice of paradise but it is lacking in some of the cultural amenities. I wanted to see Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman perform their Hollywood Babble-On podcast at the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club at Universal City Walk. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Kevin Smith because he was on the road promoting his new book, Tough Shit: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good. It was still a good show and I had the unique experience of strolling through Universal City Walk, which was a weird combination of a theme park and a shopping mall. Thing is, once you've been there, there's absolutely no reason to ever go back, because there's nothing there you'd really want to spend cash on beside touristy shit (although I must admit that I kind of liked it). I suppose if you lived in the area you'd want to go there to check out the latest Hollywood blockbuster film. The next day we drove to the fashion district in LA, which was a vast disappointment to my friend. I suppose she was expecting haute couture and models strolling up and down the streets. Anyway, it was good to take the weekend off and now I'm back and I'm really excited about today's show, because on today on solipsistic NATION we're showcasing Metal Postcard Records. I'm quite fond of Metal Postcard because they've been around roughly the same time I first started broadcasting solipsistic NATION on Free Radio San Diego. I didn't have any juice but Sean Hocking, the label's founder, was kind enough to send promotional CDs and vinyl my way to play on the show. Metal Postcard is an eclectic label and we'll find out just how eclectic when we chat with Sean, who joins us from his home in Hong Kong. Before I go, I want to wish my dad a happy Father's Day. He's listened to every single edition of solipsistic NATION. It means a lot to me that I can share something that means so much to me and that I work so hard on with my dad, and that he wants to listen. That he enjoys that show is just icing on the cake. He's a father and a friend and his influence on me in appreciating great music from all genres is only one of the many things I'm thankful for him as a father. Happy father's day, dad. I love you. 01. Wax Audio "Imagine This" 02. Rake Wickman "Suur Toll" 03. Interview with Sean Hocking, founder of Metal Postcard Records 04. Swoop Swoop "Drive Into the Night" 05. Ollo "Full Stop Blue" 06. Cambodian Space Project "I'm Unsatisfied" 07. DJ Foundation "Sitting in Gitmo" 08. The Emergency "Holland Tunnel Dive" 09. Interview with Sean Hocking, founder of Metal Postcard Records 10. Wow "When You're Dead" 11. Pairs "I Wanna Die in the Ocean" [FREE DOWNLOAD] 12. Never Heard of Zeppelin "Book of Love" 13. London School of Economics "Cock Sucker" 14. ?redo from Start "Wires" 15. Louis Inglis "Dark Days Ahead" 16. Crystal Sun Remixed by DSICO "For Those Who Wander" 17. Interview with Sean Hocking, founder of Metal Postcard Records