Dope Records

solipsistic NATION show

Summary: Once a month on solipsistic NATION I showcase a label that's putting out such amazing releases that I feel it's my duty as host of this show to turn you on to that label. On today's show we're going to listen to select tracks from Dope Records and talk to the label's founder, Farees Suleiman. I wish I could tell you how I came across Dope Records. I mean, I know I came across them through Zite on my iPad. I've created a section that focuses on electronic music, so even though I came across Dope Records through Zite, Zite pulled the website from any hundred or so blogs dedicated to electronic music. So who knows? What I do know was that once I was at their web site and started listening to some of the tracks they made available online I became a fan. I expected that a label called Dope Records would feature hip hop releases but I was confounded when I heard everything from ambient to metal to dubstep to noise. I loved it! So I reached out to Farees to join us on today's show. I've included links in the playlist below to purchase nearly all the tracks heard on today's show. Show Dope Records and the artists some love by buying a track or two that you dug, an album or two if you're feeling particularly generous. Quick note: today's interview was actually recorded back in August but as I mentioned last week, I went on a sabbatical for a couple of months so it had to wait. I apologize to you and Farees for the delay. But trust me on this, it is worth the wait. Join us again next week. We'll do it all over again. But completely different. 01. Tokee "Pa (2012 Remix)" 02. Interview with Farees Suleiman, founder of Dope Records 03. Tokee "Th (2012 Remix)" 04. [makina] "Kabul" 05. Tokee "Agony" 06. Paindonor "Shell Shock" 07. Tokee "Conquistador" 08. Meteo Xavier "Amenemhetopelzai" 09. Interview with Farees Suleiman, founder of Dope Records 10. Paindonor "Loneliness of the Shot Down Bomber" 11. [makina] "Fly With Me" 12. Bouquiniste "Unknown Track" 13. [makina] "Eat tha' Bass" 14. Meteo Xavier "Navi Whisperwilde"