Running with the Pack 139: Run/Walk Strategies, Cruising, and Zombies

Running with the Pack Podcast » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Stevie and I give some fueling advice to someone planning her first half marathon.  I talk about my switch to running before going to work.  Stevie talks about learning to accept walking as part of her running.  We also talk about McDonalds and their healthier Happy Meals. Stevie and I give some fueling advice to someone planning her first half marathon.  I talk about my switch to running before going to work.  Stevie talks about learning to accept walking as part of her running.  We also talk about McDonalds and their healthier Happy Meals. Stevie and I talk about protecting yourself from the summer sun, sanitary Stevie’s recent run of the Komen 5K, grip and then we focus on some guidelines for race reports before playing a bunch of calls. Here are the guidelines: Keep the call under 3 minutes since that’s the limit with Google Voice Focus on the highs and lows Mention anything that makes this race unique Stevie and I give some fueling advice to someone planning her first half marathon.  I talk about my switch to running before going to work.  Stevie talks about learning to accept walking as part of her running.  We also talk about McDonalds and their healthier Happy Meals. Stevie and I talk about protecting yourself from the summer sun, sanitary Stevie’s recent run of the Komen 5K, grip and then we focus on some guidelines for race reports before playing a bunch of calls. Here are the guidelines: Keep the call under 3 minutes since that’s the limit with Google Voice Focus on the highs and lows Mention anything that makes this race unique It’s a call-in show! This week we got caught up with all of the race reports: two about the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia, see two first-time triathletes, a 100 mile ultramarathon, a touching story from a race voluneteer, and more. We actually got a question this time! Stevie and I give some fueling advice to someone planning her first half marathon.  I talk about my switch to running before going to work.  Stevie talks about learning to accept walking as part of her running.  We also talk about McDonalds and their healthier Happy Meals. Stevie and I talk about protecting yourself from the summer sun, sanitary Stevie’s recent run of the Komen 5K, grip and then we focus on some guidelines for race reports before playing a bunch of calls. Here are the guidelines: Keep the call under 3 minutes since that’s the limit with Google Voice Focus on the highs and lows Mention anything that makes this race unique It’s a call-in show! This week we got caught up with all of the race reports: two about the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia, see two first-time triathletes, a 100 mile ultramarathon, a touching story from a race voluneteer, and more. We actually got a question this time! It’s a call-in show! This week we got caught up with all of the race reports: two about the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia, see two first-time triathletes, a 100 mile ultramarathon, a touching story from a race voluneteer, and more. We actually got a question this time! This week, order Stevie talks about her plans to run three 5K races in one weekend and her thoughts about going gluten-free.  I have the Johnstown Half-Marathon this weekend.  We also talk about some reviews of the Tower of Terror 10-miler and take some calls. Stevie and I give some fueling advice to someone planning her first half marathon.  I talk about my switch to running before going to work.  Stevie talks about learning to accept walking as part of her running.  We also talk about McDonalds and their healthier Happy Meals. Stevie and I talk about protecting yourself from the summer sun, sanitary Stevie’s recent run of the Komen 5K, grip and then we focus on some guidelines for race reports before playing a bunch of calls. Here are the guidelines: Keep the call under 3 minutes since that’s the limit with Google Voice Focus on the highs and lows Mentio[...]