What is Your Soul Telling You Thru Dreams, Signs, Symbols?

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: What is Your Soul Telling You Through Your Dreams, Signs, Symbols, Animals  and the Numbers You See? Dreams, Signs, Symbols, Numbers and Messages from Nature and Animal Beings - What are they telling you? Where are they guiding you? What are your Dreams telling you about your next focus on your Soul Path? These questions are signs and communications from the Soul.  CALL IN NUMBER for READINGS: 347-539-5122 on keypad  to get On Air 12pm PST ---  Awakenings hosted by MICHELE MEICHE is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Alignment and Ascension. Understand the Energies of the New Emerging. Learn to recognize the hallmarks of the Awakening Shift individually and collectively and master tools that assist you in your own path and shifting. Awakenings helps with your Soul connection and aligning to your Soul Design to express your Soul qualities in your life.Get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled and prosperous. Michele's website: http://www.selfinlight.com Awakenings Radio on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MicheleMeiche Soul Insights Blog: http://www.soulinsights4spiritledliving.com/