What’s Your Guy Thinking?

mollanderson show

Summary: I’m always wondering what the heck guys are thinking, aren’t you? Well good for us author of The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love Robert Manni will be here. Wow, that is one title you are not going to forget. Love it! He fills us in on why men are cheating and gives us clues to figuring out their sex drive. If that’s not enough info about the men, we found an article on the Secrets that Men Keep! Really, they have a ton of secrets. I have a couple askmoll questions to answer, one from someone who found a receipt for flowers, but did not get them, and another asking for advice on how to spend more time with a teenage son. Still need some help getting motivated on how to lose the holiday bulge? We have a great article to get you motivated. To further your motivation our hot pick song of the week is from Imagine Dragons, It’s Time. Don’t forget to write to me at askmoll@mollanderson.com