Episode 186 Updates from the Homestead

The Self-Sufficient Gardener show

Summary: Its the start of a new (what I'm calling a) season here at SSGP.  There are more changes coming, not just on the farm here but also to the show, format, etc.  (http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/404251_425358924180602_151361619_n.jpg) I won't be doing full all out show notes here on out.  Its a lot of effort that yields little rewards (mostly people just comment on the notes without listening to the shows which means I have to explain things to people who can't seem to find a play button!).  Essentially I'm back to a position where I miss podcasting.  I'd love it if people listen but at this point I'm doing this for me again.