Journeys into Consciousness 19-Do Plants Feel Pain? - Animal-Spirits, Solar Flares, More Quakes Network Radio show

Summary: The First half is all about Plants and Animals, do plants feel pain? is it wrong to cut flowers, is one animal or insect more sacred than another, how do animal soul groups work? Scroll down to Part II for a list of very good questions sent in by one of our listeners. In the second half of the show we covered the following hot topics currently happening on planet Earth right now: Second Half Topics Increase in Solar Flares, Earth Quakes Rouge 50 Mile Icebergs Killer Whales First Half We based the first part of the show around these questions which provided some great answers from Gregory and the White Cloud Group: Questions: "Firstly, I am a vegan because I believe that in our (UK) society in the 21st century we do not need to use animals for food or any other purpose and any use of animals will cause them suffering. I live my life trying to avoid causing suffering to any living being as much as I possibly can. I wonder if Gregory can explain the difference between using plants and using animals. To us the difference seems obvious (in that it does not appear that plants suffer on the surface) however I understand every living being has consciousness and I wonder how much suffering we inflict on the plants that we eat or use for clothing etc and also I no longer buy cut flowers for my home because I wonder if this is actually an act of violence from the plant's perspective." "I wonder if we should use animals at all, such as for guide dogs or for horse riding or if, even by a loving human, this is exploitation because the animal is conditioned to do our will." "Is there a difference between the sacredness of say a slug and an elephant? Should we discriminate and make choices as to the difference in the meaning of their lives and if so on what should we base this discrimination?" "I would love to hear the spiritual perspective on how I can enjoy my life without feeling guilty about those in desperately poor countries who can barely survive. I do n ot have much compared to many, yet I feel abundant because I have enough money to keep a roof over my head, to buy food and clothing, and I have access to health care etc. I sometimes feel guilty that I have so much when others have nothing. I am hugely grateful for my lifestyle and I want to enjoy it but I do struggle with this from time to time." Second Half From Feb 2010 the Sun suddenly burst back into life shooting of solar flares, and a great magnetic filament rising high above the Sun. We also had sun spots regularly featured on the surface everyday. Could Earth be under threat from a solar storm and are they connected to the other events happening on the planet right now such as the noticeable increase in quakes?. Also this week a large 50 mile Iceberg was broken off after a collision with another Iceberg, scientists are worried that it could affect weather patterns for years to come. And much more...