Longing For Bliss - Luz Elena Morey

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: Navigating the Path of Awakening, Soul Alignment, Ascension & the Planetary Shift every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT   Call in for Psychic Channeled Guidance & to Chat  #347-539-5122 Awakenings Radio hosted by Michele Meiche is  your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening.  Learn and understand the Energies of the New Emerging Consciousness & the Focus of the New Paradigm that is being co-created by each of us. Understand what it means to live Soul Led and to manifest your Soul Purpose. Come share on the path of Awakening & Soul Alignment. Interviews, Meditation, Healing, Discussions & tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening & Living Awake with Awareness. Our guest - Presenter, transpersonal drama therapist, Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT has done extensive research on the psychological, spiritual, biological, cultural, evolutionary and developmental aspects of romantic attraction and the longing for bliss!  She has a private therapy practice in Brattleboro, Vermont, and can be reached via www.innerwit.com