Biblical Manliness 007

Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger show

Summary:     Episode #007 Recorded Monday, February 11, 2013 "Your Rites of Passage To-Do List" HOST: Chris Clevenger       Watch the video of this episode: Show Notes: Last week we discussed the "rites of passage" that a man goes through between the ages of 18-25 by looking to David in the Valley of Elah. Last week we discussed the "rites of passage" that a man goes through between the ages of 18-25 by looking to David in the Valley of Elah. LEARN THE MESSAGE The greatest benefit to your life now and in the years to come is a thorough knowledge of the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15 1 Timothy 4:12-16 DISCOVER A MISSION In 1726, at the age of 20 years old, Benjamin Franklin made it his life's goal to attain moral perfection. He developed a system of 13 virutes to focus upon to assist him in his mission. Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, Humility Every great Bible man had a mission. Regardless of your occupation or marital status, God expects your mission to be the evangelization of the world. (Matthew 28:18-20; 5:13-16) FIND A MENTOR It helps to have someone to encourage you and give you council who is a few laps ahead of you in life. Great Bible men had mentors: Joshua, Peter, Timothy, Titus, John Mark In an article on his blog, Ron Edminson outlines "How a Mentor Will Change Your Life" There is no life change without life exchange; Clarity within community; A Nudge; Hiking Not Maps; A Character Driven Life; Wings To Launch Paul serves as a great example of a mentor. (1 Corinthians 11:1) In a guest post on Michael Hyatt's blog, Daniel Darling offers "Five Ways to Find a Mentor" Don't Start with Celebrities; Attend Trade Functions or Gatherings in Your Community; Make Friendships Through Simple Conversations; Follow Up With a Request to Meet Again One-on-One; Ask Questions Episode Resources BLOG: "Lessons In Manliness: Benjamin Franklin’s Pursuit of the Virtuous Life"  BLOG: "How a Mentor Will Change Your Life" BLOG: "Five Ways to Find a Mentor" Your Feedback Submit your feedback or suggest future topics via email ( or voicemail: 903-26-LIGHT (903-265-4448) If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks. Previous Episodes Click here to see all of the episodes of Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger. Subscription Links