Happy Birthday Studs!

How Sound show

Summary: Studs Terkel being Studs. (Photographer, unknown.) Today, HowSound marks the 100th birthday of Studs Terkel -- America's interviewer. Who didn't Studs interview?! He chronicled the life of 20th century America from the ground up in books like Working, Race, and The Good War. Syd Lewis worked with Studs for a good twenty-five years. Syd's an oral historian in her own right and has published several books. On this HowSound I chat with Syd about Studs and we feature an excerpt from her hour-long documentary "Working With Studs," produced by Atlantic Public Media. You can hear the entire documentary at PRX. And, speaking of PRX, you can find a slew of programs about Studs there. Listen to all of 'em. Why not? He listened to all of us. Happy Birthday Studs!