Mosaic News - 07/24/12: World News From The Middle East [VIDEO]

Mosaic: World News From The Middle East show

Summary: <p>Syrian army wages fierce battle against rebels attempting to seize central Aleppo, sanctions take toll on Iranian people as they protest rising price of chicken, Egypt's Morsi assigns new PM to form government, and more.</p><br><br>Syrian army wages fierce battle against rebels attempting to seize central Aleppo<br>New TV, Lebanon<br><br>Sanctions take toll on Iranian people as they protest rising price of chicken<br>BBC Arabic, UK<br><br>Egypt's Morsi assigns new PM to form government<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community bleeds on<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Sudanese forces and Revolutionary Front clash in east Darfur<br>Al Jazeera, Qatar<br><br>Iraq's Ministry of Oil attempts to combat secret deals, American interference<br>Al-Alam, Iran<br><br>Knesset rejects Shaul Mofaz's request to oust four Kadima members from party<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Traditional Palestinian dishes remain Ramallah's most popular food<br>Dubai TV, UAE<br><br>