Mark Schaefer: The New Rules of Power and Influence on the Web

be intrepid. show

Summary: A pleasure to welcome speaker, strategist, educator, and best-selling author Mark Schaefer to Intrepid Radio! Mark will be a featured speaker at the upcoming SoloPR Summit, and his presentation will center around The New Rules of Power and Influence on the Web. The Solo PR Summit is a conference for independent professionals in PR and social media being held February 20-21 in Atlanta, Georgia. There are still some limited tickets and sponsorship opportunities available - visit for details. Here are ten reasons to listen to this broadcast: 1. Mark talks about why power and influence is relevant in today's world, and how it has changed over the last many years. 2. Is your title the only way to achieve power and influence? 3. Why does having power and influence matter in today's world? [hint: to impact and change attitudes and/or behaviors...] 4. You build power and influence the old-fashioned way: by the day-to-day toil of helping and serving people. 5. A discussion around Klout, which is at the forefront of the conversation centered on social influence. 6. Online influence scoring is really looking at three things: A. Are you a person who can move content [aka Buzz]? B. Are they speaking towards a relevant topic? C. Are they influencing the influencers? 7. The notion of having an online influence score does lead many to wonder about and attempt to game the system...and what's being done about that. 8. You cannot game influence. To actually get influence, you can't care about achieving influence. You have to focus on helping and caring about people. 9. Human behavior hasn't changed. We still seek people of influence, and we still seek to influence people. Nowadays, there's just an algorithm that scores and tracks it... 10. The beauty of online influence scoring is that you might now really understand who has real influence, unlike in the past when we only assumed that certain people had influence. Now you know... And tapping into those unknown influencers can be your competitive advantage! You can find Mark's most recent book here: ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from additional cool and hip folks like Mark Schaefer, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 82. This episode was brought to you by The SoloPR Summit!