GBA 68 Kit Lovelace

Getting Better Acquainted show

Summary: In GBA 68 we get better acquainted with Kit Lovelace. He talks pen-names, playing background music, trusting your love life to readers of the Guardian Newspaper, interrupting true stories, anonymous blogging, what he learnt from some people called "biscuit" and "toast" and lot's more! Kit Lovelace is the first guest to be listed by a false name but everything we talk about is real. He uses this name so he can reveal more of the truth, protecting the identity of both him and the people he has stepped out with. He embarked on a project where he trusted his dating life to readers, first on his blog and later in his newspaper column: It appears this approach may be the secret to finding love. At least for him. We discuss the practicalities, ethics, and semi salacious detail of this interesting relationship experiment. Kit Plugs: The book he is currently writing about his relationship history and experience of the blog/column. His twitter feed: We also talk about: The Wed or Dead Wager: Spark London: Who are going up to Edinburgh this year: The shows are at 5.30pm every night from 4th - 14th August at Riddles Court. Here is the facebook event: You can follow Spark London on Twitter: You can like Spark London on Facebook: The next Spark London Brixton Open Mic is on the 20th August, Upstairs @ The Ritzy Cinema. It starts at 7.30pm. Here's the facebook event: The next Spark London in The Cafe Canal Theatre is on 3rd September at 7:30pm: The first Spark London night that I'll be hosting at the Hackney Attic (part of the Hackney Picturehouse) will be at 7.30 on 10th September This is the Spark Story that Kit's piano note was featured in: It is featured in Episode 1 of GBA where it was given a bit more context: This is a playlist of Sparklers who have been on GBA so far: You can hear Getting Better Acquainted on Stitcher SmartRadio, Stitcher allows you to listen to your favourite shows directly from your iPhone, Android Phone, Kindle Fire and beyond. On-demand and on the go! Don’t have Stitcher? Download it for free today at or in the app stores. Help more people get better acquainted. If you like what you hear why not write an iTunes review? Follow @GBApodcast on Twitter. Like Getting Better Acquainted on facebook. Tell your friends. Spread the word!