Serial Killers; How and Why Media and Officials Create Fear

Women's Voice show

Summary:   Professor Scott Bonn is a criminology scholar, media expert and social critic. He is also a prolific author and speaker. He received his doctorate in sociology at the University of Miami, FL. Bonn teaches courses in criminology, sociology of deviance, media and crime, and criminal justice. His primary research interests include white-collar crime, state crime, serial killers and media effects on society. His research examines how and why the public forms its beliefs on complex issues such as crime, drugs, punishment, war and terrorism. He is the author of "Mass Deception: Moral Panic and the US War on Iraq" the critically acclaimed new book on the Iraq war and the G.W. Bush administration from Rutgers University Press. In this episode of Women’s Voice we will ask our expert guest about Long Island Serial killer. Why most serial killers are male and most of their victims are females? And also we will talk about his book and why and how media and officials are creating fear to control the masses. Grab your Sunday morning coffee and join us for another exciting and informative episode of Women’s Voice Radio.